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If you feel you've lost your glow, if you feel that the last time you flourished is buried under piles of kids, life, weight gain, stress and fatigue, then I'd love to hear from you.


Maybe you've come out of the last couple of years feel bleh, dispirited, exhausted, fed up with the idea of going on another diet, and feeling like you've somehow failed because you just can't be arsed doing anything about how you feel. Don't despair, get in touch and let's figure out the best way for you to Preserve Your Goddess Within.

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For the past 6 weeks, I have participated in the Sugar Detox Program. It has been a positive experience due to many reasons: the   health coaches Tina and Sharan, the workbook and the group Zoom meetings.  It has been a successful 6 weeks for myself and my husband. I feel our success has been due in a large part to our health coaches, Tina and Sharan.


The program they developed is a guided 6 week detox program that includes abundant useful information in the workbook and additional resources to help you be successful. The coaches were always supportive throughout the 6 weeks and encouraged additional emails from all of us if we needed help or had questions. The Zoom meetings added so much to the program and I looked forward every week to our Zoom meetings with our health coaches and the group. It was very supportive and helpful to hear the successes and struggles of others in the group.


If you are struggling with eliminating sugar from your life, the 6 week Sugar Detox program is for you!

Prudence H

© 2022 Preserve the Goddess Within

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